Sunday, January 29, 2012

I just cut my hair short, now I want it to grow long again. Are there any products out there that can help??

I am getting deployed (Iraq) in 7 days, so i decided to cut my hair to make it easier for me while I'm overthere. I realized that there was no need for that, so now I am anxious for my hair to grow back again! I would like to know of anything that would help speed up the process. I've heard there are products, but I hate buying things without any advice from people who have actually used them. Can anyone help??I just cut my hair short, now I want it to grow long again. Are there any products out there that can help??
Perfect, since you cut your hair, use the a Horse shampoo Mane and Tail?? you can put it at a pet store or wal-mart! read and do the instructions exactly what it says, you hair would grow faster, because the shampoo starts out to eat the ends and starts building from your roots, and it would start growing in a few days that is if you use it constantly, in afew it'll grow like crazy.I just cut my hair short, now I want it to grow long again. Are there any products out there that can help??
Good Luck in Iraq! I will be praying for you! Your hair should be the least of your worries! Wishing you a safe return home!!
Vitamins and Mane and Tail conditioner.
just be patient keep your hair healthy and strong make sure you dont have split ends
Prenatal vitamins make both your hair and nails grow pretty fast
you dnt need any products....i recently cut my hair short and my

mums best friend is my hair dresser....she told me tht if u massage ur hair it lets all the hair molecules breathe better letting them grow quicker.

also if you get it cut every 6 weeks just to get the dead ends taken off it will grow healthier.....if not you hair might end up ruined and ull have to cut it all off again.

hope thats helps.
youll be fine
Mane 'n Tail shampoo and conditioner does help to keep your hair healthy and make it grow faster
hair is a waste product of the body... eat good and take you vitamins... simple as that. You can massage you hair a little extra when you shampoo. massaging bringd blood to the surface and can stimulate hair growth... hope this helps
just keep it clean and it will grow much faster
I have personally never cut my hair because I'm scared of it not growing back but from friends with that problem some have used Doo GROW and some others use BOSILK. BOSILK is what they use in Dominician hair shops and it really does wonders to your hair and as far as DOO GROW that's supposed to do what it says make your hair grow..
eat fish i heard your hair grows faster.
There are some good products out there that actually contain the vitamins and nutrients that cause the hair to grow. I personally use Beauty 4 Ashes Super Gro Oil, Mist, and Ayuvedic Scalp Food Gel and my hair grows when I use it regularly, about 1/2 -1 inch a month. All of their products contains vitamins like Vitamin E, Vitamin B, Rosemary, Amla, and Fenugreek. But, you should also make sure your are getting these nutrients in your diet, since your hair grows from the inside out. If you don't now, take a multivitamin and amino acids daily. Your hair will definitely grow faster.
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