Monday, January 2, 2012

Daft reasons... when very young a boy dumped me because I had my long hair cut short. do you know any dafter?

reasons to dump or be dumped. what a liberty I was beautiful anyway aged about 11Daft reasons... when very young a boy dumped me because I had my long hair cut short. do you know any dafter?
when i was little, mine dumped me because i stood on his pet woodlouse lmao xDaft reasons... when very young a boy dumped me because I had my long hair cut short. do you know any dafter?
The horrible bloke that ended up as my husband threatened to, you would have thought that I would have ';seen the light'; so to speak but, alas, I was a stupid lovestruck teenager who had some very hard lessons to learn.
Not just because you cut your hair short,but you wanted to be called 'George' and took too much interest in Anne and Timmy the dog,when we went camping!

Yours, in disgust.

I remember being dumped when i was 13 because I had a mole on my face. That was so hurtful at that age. Gave me a complex! Had it removed when I was 22.
not enough love, to young . You will find it soon. The dude was probably a loser anyways.
young boy's r daft as they
I was once dumped because I punched her dad.

How stupid can you get.
I once dumped a man because his was short..

... his hair was ok, though!
Not much love there....
yeah, a guy dumped me one time because he said my eyes were too flirty.