This is the length of my hair now:
How long should it take for my hair to grow that long? Or should I cut it shorter like this(right):
So what should I do? Thanks.How long will it take to grow my hair this long, and should I cut it shorter?
Hair usually grows about half and inch but your hair looks healthy so I'd say 6 or 7 months.How long will it take to grow my hair this long, and should I cut it shorter?
Your hair is pretty dense, I think it would look beautiful at the longer length. Hair grows 1/2 inch per month. It could take you up to two years to grow it out to miley's length (though i'm not certain that those aren't extensions...)
Try taking prenatal vitamins or a supplement for hair and nail growth to speed up the process a little. Cut down on heat styling to prevent breakage.
i think u should not get it cut and it depends how fast ur hair grows my hair grows quikly but there are ways to grow hair fast like putting in a tight ponytail but it might damage ur hair to fix damaged hair buy shampoo and conditioner that fix it also u could get a trim so ur hair feels new and grows fast thats all i know.
No idea how long it'll take, as long as you keep trimming it when needed it'll grow faster. Just keep it healthy. I think you should grow it long, that's what I've been trying to do for a while, mine's about your length. I personally like longer hair better
I think you should grow it out i know it takes a long time but it will be worth it at the end i am growing my hair out too and mine is shorter than yours.
Hair gros at a rate of /12 inch per month. Let it gro and then decide. You can go shorter anytime.
On average, hair grows about 6 inches per year. So wait 6-12 months and it will probably be long enough.
2 make it grow longer (and quicker) et healthy and cut only where you hair stops breakin
i would go with the long hair, it may take time but i absolutly love long hair its the best and u can style it so many ways!
hair normally grows about 1/2 of an inch per month. i think you should grow it out .
it take different times to grow hair each hair grows @ a different rate.
well it all depends on if you want to wait a while to have it grow out. and i really like that hairstyle but its all your choice
I think that you should keep it short like Laurn's but with more layers.
I think you should cut it.
omg miley is sooo ugly
I like it how it is!
i would grow it but if you want it now go for the short one donate your hair!