Saturday, February 4, 2012

I recently got my hair cut. It's alot shorter and thiner now! How long will it take to grow long and thicker?

I don't think I quite knew how much the hairdresser was cutting off it! My fringe especially, is much shorter and straight across my forehead so now I look like an 8 year old!

I just wish it was back the way it was, long and thick. It kept my ears warm too!I recently got my hair cut. It's alot shorter and thiner now! How long will it take to grow long and thicker?
Give yourself a little time to adjust to the shorter hair. I usually takes about a week or two. The same thing haened with my GF. She got her hair cut shorter and didn;t like it. But about month or so later she went abck and got an even shorter haircut. You will like it, just give it some time.I recently got my hair cut. It's alot shorter and thiner now! How long will it take to grow long and thicker?
If you follow the advice of Acctman then the simple truth is never. You will never have your hair as beautiful as it was again. In between haircuts it will stay miserably around your shoulders or upwards and never feel warm and comforting over your body again for as long as you live, since the hairdressers will take off whatever growth you achieve every time.

This is why beautiful long thick and unruined hair is such a rarity on women, and why I have a very special respect and admiration for those who do manage to achieve it, despite the hairdressers.
Well i cut my hair to right about the corner of my mouth. That was in the beginning of August so that makes it about 10 months and right now it's at my shoulders so i don't know if that helps to kinda see how long it'll take.
it will grow 1/2 an inch to an inch per month
Hair grows about half an inch a month no matter what you do to it.
couple of months, make sure u look after it tho