i want my hair to look more scene. i dont want to dye it and i dont want to tease it that much i just want the style without the huge puffs...
right now i just have a regular hair cut with side bangs and long layers,
but i want shorter layers about to my ears then longer layers..if people get what im saying. lol. i need help, pictutre or anything haha
thankkss%26lt;33I want to cut my hair in a 'scene' way...i want short and long layers,but idont know how get it cutt :/ help?
It's simple, all you have to do is get shorter choppy/textured layers towards the crown and sides of your hair, the back leave it long.
you don't have to tease it of you don't want the Volume and you don't have to color it of you don't want the Boldness.
Choppy and messy and making it look like you just rolled out of bed is the way to go.
Hope this helps.I want to cut my hair in a 'scene' way...i want short and long layers,but idont know how get it cutt :/ help?
get 1/2 and inch cut off your hair, tell her/him to layer it so its shorter layers on the top then they get longer as they go down. tell the person you kinda want scene hair, but not teased and stuff.then tell them you want it straightened for the style.
then your good to go (=
^ thats not really what i was explaining, but whatever.
I think you've got a good idea right there :)
Saturday, February 4, 2012
I want to cut my hair in a 'scene' way...i want short and long layers,but idont know how get it cutt :/ help?
cut long hair to short,
long hair,
short hair