Please HelppppThis Grl Who Cut My Bangs Before Cut Them Again %26amp;%26amp; Now They R Too Short Can I Cut More Hair To Make It Longer?
try hair oil; it really works! put it on at nite before bed and wake up and shampoo it off. usually coconut hair oil works the best but try others to suit ur hairThis Grl Who Cut My Bangs Before Cut Them Again %26amp;%26amp; Now They R Too Short Can I Cut More Hair To Make It Longer?
i would just leave them alone and let them grow out. you dont wantto mess them up even more. maybe you could pull them back with some bobby pins to make it look like this
(this is not me)
You willl need to cut the rest of your hair shorter to match your hsort bangs, Ask the stylist what to do, but you might end up with a pixie.
Same thing happened to me. I used to clip it back with a clip. And they grew a bit longer in just 3 months and I barely noticed . So just wait and they'll grow.
I cut it and cut it.............Its still to SHORT!
uh you cant cut anything and make it longer duh
you either get exstentions or a wig
or let it grow out
Monday, February 6, 2012
This Grl Who Cut My Bangs Before Cut Them Again && Now They R Too Short Can I Cut More Hair To Make It Longer?
cut long hair to short,
long hair,
short hair