Saturday, February 4, 2012

I had my hair cut very short for years and am now trying to grow it out to a longer more layered look.?

the problem is i do not know how to wear my hair while it is growing, any ideas on how to avoid the akward growing out phase would be appreciated.

i am a 20 y. old maleI had my hair cut very short for years and am now trying to grow it out to a longer more layered look.?
It does depend on how long it is right now. If your hair is still relatively short, then you should use gel. But, if your hair is at the point where it's basically covering your forehead, then you should be using pomade or wax for definition and a more styled look.

Also, a common thing that happens when someone is growing out their hair is the back part is growing to a point where your hair starts to look like a mullet. This is when you should get your haircut into the desired style or look. Then it will grow out the way you want it to look, without it looking weird.I had my hair cut very short for years and am now trying to grow it out to a longer more layered look.?
Men don't style hair they cut and wear and wash! If you wan to layer your hair! Cut it with layers and stlye it!
GEL!!!! you can just put it up into spikes or whatever you like until the growing is done.