Shoulder lengthI have long hair.I want to cut it shorter.Should i do it myself?
I also think it depends on how much you want to take off. If you just want to take a few inches off, you can put your hair in a ponytail at the top of your head, hold it up with one hand and cut a few inches off with the other. I've done it with dry hair but I think it might be easier if your hair is wet. You need good scissors to do this as well. If you want your hair a lot shorter and styled in a particular way, then you should go to a stylist. But keep in mind that then you will probably have to keep going to them to maintain the style and that can get really expensive. Sometimes with short cuts you have to go every four to six weeks to get a trim which also takes up quite a bit of time besides the money. I suspect that is one of the reasons many stylists want to cut your hair. If you go to a stylist, be careful he or she doesn't take off way more than you want. That's happened to me more than once.I have long hair.I want to cut it shorter.Should i do it myself?
I'm no expert but even I would not cut my own hair (what I got left of it). It always pays to get your hair cut by an hairdresser. It's worth it in the end , as you get the cut and style you want, and it won't look sh*t.
No get a proffesional to do it
If you want to get a short haircut do the haircut yourself 1st, that way if it is messed up you have no chose but to get short hair
are you crazy? don't do it i have been trying to grow my own hair long for ages now you will regret it if you cut it to short and mess it up and the hair dresser will make it really short.
sure why not the crappy choppy look is in
NO definitely not!! how could you do that anyway? If you grabbed it from the back and thought you were cutting it straight it would end up wonky. Hairdressers cut in layers, clipping some bits up. Believe me it would turn out a horrible mess. You would end up cutting bits to level it out then going shorter and shorter. A hairdresser could style it too, it would look better than just a straight bob with no style to it. It probably wouldn't end up straight anyway no matter how hard you try
It is always best to do it yourself. Then you can have it exactly the way you want it.
oh yes!!!!
Use the Flowbee
All the suction of a hoover - all the style of a new haircut - what could possibly go wrong????
Check out the photos on the website - you too could look like them......
I would not do it yourself. I would let a professional do it.
NO!!! Absolutely NOT! TRUST ME!
No. My hair is growing now and it feels and looks sexier and more womanly. I LOVE short hair but after chopping my locks off the first time I started to regret that I even considered it at all. Try going with layers and washing it with Pantene (whichever bests suits your textures' need).
No if you want a short you might cut it wrong, or not even then your hair will not blow dry nice. I would have my hair cut short by a professional and then you could experiment with cutting.
r u crazy, u cant b serious! giving u the best advice in life, dont do it! have it dont by a marvellous professional, dont u think u deserve that or r u crazy!
Go pay for a cut that you will like and not end up crying over and then running to the hairdressers to save.
no plz dont
You can cut it short, and sell your hair at:
what I think you should keep your long hair because I think long hair beautiful.
If you want to make a big change I wouldn't. Go to a salon and have them do it for you.
No don't try it yourself! There is no way you will cut it straight in the back.
Noo, are you crazy? Unless you want to look like Donald Trump
If you do it yourself, you'll have a maniac for a hairdresser
Have you ever cut before?? If you feel confident, then go ahead..
A tip is to first collect all your hair straight in a ponytail in the back, spread it out so it makes a fan, and cut horisontally, so it doesn't get cut right off. Then, collect all the hair in a ponytail on top off the head and do the same hair, and then collect all the hair in a ponytail in the front. But let the front hair out, since you can't see what you're doing to your bangs. After that you let it out, and check if it needs correction, and do your bangs.
My hairdresser did this to me, and it seemed so easy, and my hair came out great!! It gave me a look that could go from sweet to rock chic in a minute! It's not cut straight off, it's layered and the longest is just below the chin.
But you should maybe get a friend to do it..It can be difficult doing the back, since it's hard to see anything.
sure it's not too hard, you can always have someone fix it of you screw up. If it turns out cute, it's a free hair cut! could try... if you dont take off too much, they could always fix it if you mess up. Besides, its just hair!! it grows :) I'm in the same boat.. i need to grow 1 more inch before I can give 10 inches to locks of love.. and then I will have shoulder length hair still.
Defidently NOT. when you go to a shop, you have SO many styles to choose from.
Good luck I wouldn't .Go to hairdresser some are good but if you put the scissors in it yourself you may be in for a rude awakening lol
i think you should go to a hair salon and cut it cuz once someone else cut it shorter for me and it was all crooked. if you want it to look great, you should let a pro do it.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
I have long hair.I want to cut it shorter.Should i do it myself?
cut long hair to short,
long hair,
short hair