Saturday, February 4, 2012

I have long hair I would like to make appear short without cutting it;pin it back somehow. Anyone have ideas?

Emo short look, but it can be pinned back so when unpinned, it was never really cut. You know? Sorry for my idiosyncrosies. ( i think i spelt that right). ThanksI have long hair I would like to make appear short without cutting it;pin it back somehow. Anyone have ideas?
There's a few tricks i know that i think may help you.

One, you can tuck your hair (depending on whether your hair is long enough capable of being tucked) inside your collar.

Two, wear a wig.

Three, fold your hair as though folding paper. That way there's at least some spiky parts to be seen to create the illusion that you have shorter hair than there really is (?).I have long hair I would like to make appear short without cutting it;pin it back somehow. Anyone have ideas?
HI there,

I used to have really long hair as well. It was about to the top of my butt and I used to always want to know what it would be like to have short hair so I used to play around with things. I did try pining mine with bobby pins but because my hair was so thick it would stay pinned. I found that rolling my hair in sponge curlers at night shortened it a little but to get the full affect I introduced my self to the world of wigs. I know a little weird but so much fun. It lets you play around with a lot of different looks. Hopefully I helped a little bit. Have fun!
umm, well first off, stay away from high ponys!! They make your hair seem longer!! I would put it in like two pig tails well like two side ponys. i think it makes it look shorter! I think braids makes it look LONGER so yeah. The kind of hairstyle your avitar has would probably make it look shorter!!! idk! sorry. hope i helped though good luck!


oh yeah buns or messy buns! well duh lol
only thing i can suggest to you is getting the top layers of your hair cut to just above your shoulders and have the bottom layers long. if that makes any sense? its what my hair dresser does with my hair and i love it.adds volume and it makes your hair lighter since its not all being pulled down.
tease your shortest layers and than use bobby pins all around it to hold the teased hair up or you could use alotta hair spray.

but when you tease hair people focus on the teased part...
Spike it up a whole lot, lots of teasing!

Take some of your hair and bobby pin it up.
Jessica Simpson 15'' extensions. I know it sounds absurd but it really works!!! :)
Long hair is pretty :)

Emo hair is i cant fit in.

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