Saturday, February 4, 2012

My mother is very conservative...she likes short and neat hair. My hair is long & she wants me to cut it......

It's a little past the middle of my back. It's healthy though, so it looks good. I love my hair but I'm tempted to just cut it to stop her from bugging me about it. I mean, I'm 17 years old so it is my choice.....what do you think? Should I just cut it?My mother is very conservative...she likes short and neat hair. My hair is long %26amp; she wants me to cut it......
I believe you're old enough now to decide how you want your hair length. No disrespect to your mom but, she should now listen to you and your opinions and at least give them consideration.

Without getting into a shouting match and creating any friction between you two, talk to mom and see if you can't convince her to leave it long...maybe just a little trim.

That's my opinion because like many guys, I like long, clean, soft, nice-smelling hair on a girl.My mother is very conservative...she likes short and neat hair. My hair is long %26amp; she wants me to cut it......
Well, if you want to cut it, then cut it. If you don't, then don't cut it. It's your hair after all, and you should be the one to decide what to do with it, not your mom.
no .no. no..Most girls get their hair cut just to please mum or they find combing it too much of a chore..but believe me long hair is beautiful,if it's healthy..on a girl it's you can get to be on the t.v adverts.for hair care.(big money)as there are few girls now with long fantastic hair..most women have their hair cut and look more like men than women .. mens heads turn when they see a girl with long hair,as they are more attractive..they don't give a woman with short hair a second look..
Do whatever you want! I go through the same thing with my mom... and Im almost 22 and my mom still says stuff. She'll get over it, either way.
i don't think you should. Long hair is usually beautiful. and your hair is probably too. if she gets on your nerves though, try just trimming it.
no not at all! just make sure it's neat so she can't complain about it
What's wrong with a girl with long hair?Never heard of anybody bothered by that.Guys with long hair ya,but not girls...Your mom is still living in the past though and you should be old enough to decide what hair you want.Would she rather you have a mohawk?
NO!!! Don't cut it!!! My Mum is the same way about me and my bangs she wants my bangs to be cut all the time and not grown out so I got fed up one day and got a side bang so she would stop nagging at me to get something done. So I say if you want her to stop nagging at you go and get at most four inches off if you feel like going crazy get more but just go take a few inches off (2 at least I would think) ANd maybe try and styling it a bit differently. Maybe try layers but if you have layers go for a more dramatic look...not sure what that is but hey try it...Part it to the side and get a side bang something that looks preety and complemets you and your face and also gets your mum off your butt!
I think if you like it long, then you should keep it that way. Now if youre ready for a change...thats a different story. But if thats how your mom feels, then thats fine that her opinion...just tell her you like your hair the way it is and you dont want to change it...
No, if you don't want to cut it then don't. Just don't let it fall in your face when you talk to your mom or eating at the table. Keep it in a ponytail at home and wear it the way you want outside.
Keep it neat so it does not bother your mom. Make sure she is happy with what you do, and maybe the length will not be an issue. You are old enough to choose, but if you are letting it get out of control or messy, get it cut.
If it is in good condition and not a mess, then why should you have to cut it? If you love it and it looks good, then I wouldn't do it, because you will surely regret it. When I was a teen, I wanted to cut my lovely long wavy hair and my mom didn't want me to cut it. I ended up cutting it short and hating it.

It's ultimately your decision - this is just my two cents worth!
Cut it a little bit to make her happy! My mom wants me to grow mine, but I don't want to. lol!
Not if you don't want to. As long as it's clean and neat, I can't understand her objection.
Your mom needs to wear her hair how she likes it and leave you and your hair alone.

My hair is at my waist, as is my daughter's (she is 11). If she wanted to cut it, or shave her head, I'd probably try to talk her out of it, but it's her hair, not mine.

My daughter has had her hair dyed very blonde, brown with highlights, and now she wants (eek) a blue streak. If she can deal with it, then I'll let her, and I only cried once, when she gave herself bangs. How else is she going to learn in life without experimenting?

My point is, I am her mother, I can guide her, but I'd never tell her no, or bug her, over something so minor as how she chooses to wear her hair. There are so many important things in life that I DO have to bug her about and say no to, that I choose my battles..... and hair length is NOT one of them.

Do not give in, your mom is being very unreasonable. Maybe you can point out to your mom the things you DO give in on, and tell her that you would like to make this very minor decision on your own, without having to be hassled about it.

Good luck!
Don't let your mother telll you what to do but don't be to mean at the same time. if you do get it cut just get a trim or add a few layers or something.
I would try to compromise and get like 2 or 3 inches off. It would be a nice change but just tell her you would not like it be too short and say you would get like2 inches off.(in a respective way)
NO! Definitely not! As soon as you start living your life for someone else and according to their preferences including but not limited to your parents your life simply ends. Be yourself enjoy your life and do the things you love because you are the one that has to live your life and no one else can live it for you. Don't be emotionally manipulated!! Let your mother suffer in anguish if that's how she wants to spend her days but really just tell her to ';Get Over It'; or ';When I'm ready to cut it I'll cut it!';