Saturday, February 4, 2012

Im getting a haircut 2day.I want my hair to be long as it is.But is it healthy to cut your hair a lil shorter?

Yes! Your hair probably won't grow that much longer if you don't get about an inch off. When you get a trim, it needs to be about one inch off, it cuts off the dead hair cells, which wil make you hair grow longer than if you didn't cut it. TRIM IT!Im getting a haircut 2day.I want my hair to be long as it is.But is it healthy to cut your hair a lil shorter?
it is healthy to get it trimmed or dusted is best if u would like to remain the length of your hair now.

dusted is usually quick and only your bad ends get cut off.Im getting a haircut 2day.I want my hair to be long as it is.But is it healthy to cut your hair a lil shorter?
Just make sure you trim off the split ends.
It's always a good idea to cut any dead ends off. And keeping your hair trimmed does help make it stay healthy and helps to promote growth.
Hair is neither healthy or unhealthy, it is dead, else it would hurt when you cut it. Hair is however manageable or unmanageable. Then of course if you like the length you cannot cut it and have the same length.

Bottom line, cutting your hair is usually a good 'healthy' idea as it will remove any split ends that have developed, and in general make your hair more manageable.

You should get it trimmed about an 8th of an inch.

It will grow out, trust me.

You just have to be patience.
You should cut it the way you want to. Trimming the ends always makes it look fuller.
Check with your stylist, but if you have split ends, you'll need to cut them off. Your stylist can also recommend products that will keep your hair in its best condition, and that will allow you to grow your hair to the length you want.
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