i have blonde hair by the wayI want me hair to be long in front short in back but my mom thinks its a dyke cut what do i do?help!!?
show her a pic of a celeb that has it done. if she actually sees it on someone, she might not think it looks that badI want me hair to be long in front short in back but my mom thinks its a dyke cut what do i do?help!!?
Tell your mom to stop being a bigot and get your hair cut how you want.
long in front like a bob?
like rihanna?
Tell your mom you're a dyke and problem is solved!
You need to obey her sweetie. Your mom is right. Women are supposed to have long hair according to the Bible and also it looks so much prettier on them and men like it too :)
Ok.. That's a horrible homo-phobic thing to say for one. And.. for two.. It's your hair. Do what you want with it.
don't make you mom mad. try going for lots of layers
show her some pictures of posh...
thats a really good one
I think, depending on your age, it doesn't and shouldn't matter what your mom says. And furthermore, at this day in age, its pretty insensitive of her to call ANY cut a dyke cut. That being said, I am in total agreement that Posh's cute is very chic. See also Paris Hilton's new bob. The angular bob is very trendy and flatters a lot of people, as it is not so bulky as a regular bob. I say go for it and if it ends up bad, there are lots of things you can do to fix it. Remember too, that rounder and pudgey faces can become rounder and pudgier with a short shin length cut. They are flattered more by longer locks. If you have a longer, thinner, or heart shaped/angular face, a more severe bob works great!
i agree you should show your mom a picture of Victoria Beckham, she made her hair brown again but still it looked hot blonde
show her pictures of rihanna, she has that cut and it look awesome. flatters the face!
Do it like Posh. She's no dyke.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
I want me hair to be long in front short in back but my mom thinks its a dyke cut what do i do?help!!?
cut long hair to short,
long hair,
short hair