Saturday, February 4, 2012

Which look is best for me? short or longer hair? i wanted to try somthin diff so i cut off my hair?

i have 2 pics of the short hair cuz idk which 1 is best of my hair...

long hair--

short hair-- look is best for me? short or longer hair? i wanted to try somthin diff so i cut off my hair?
I liked the long hair the best, but you are gorgeous either way ;]Which look is best for me? short or longer hair? i wanted to try somthin diff so i cut off my hair?
long hair
long hair
you look very very pretty with short hair so i think short
i personally like the short hair i think it makes you look older and more sophisticated.
Definitely short hair. Long hair looks good on most people, but you're one of those people short hair looks better on.
long hair looks good on you....but you are one of those who can carry short hair pretty well......and i think short hair looks better on you ,its different and you look better
I think the short hair suits you more :)