Monday, February 6, 2012

Myhair is cut very short and i miss it being longer! whats the best hair product to make it grow faster?

any kind of a really good shampoo that helps your hair to grow faster?Myhair is cut very short and i miss it being longer! whats the best hair product to make it grow faster? is your solution. The recipes and tricks worked like a miracle for me.Myhair is cut very short and i miss it being longer! whats the best hair product to make it grow faster?
Not a product- hair is dead as soon as it is grown outside the folicle- you can treat it (load it with silicon, keep it clean, colour it....) but via the outside, you cannot really make it grow.

What you need to do is eat more protein, (lean meat, quorn, eggs, fish, nuts..etc) as this will help your hair and nails to grow. Add to that vitamin E, D and C and calcium (cheese, milk, yogurt, soya, brazil nuts) and your promoting the health of your skin/nails and hair.

Excercise can also help your hair to grow as it helps your body use up its fuels and prmotes not just muscle growth, but growth of your hair, nails and turn-over of your skin. But make sure you eat accordingly, if you do not eat enough, you will lose weight and as a result, growth of your hair/nails/skin shuts down, as your body concerntrates on keeping you alive and fuelling your excercise rather then your hair/nails/teeth/skin.

Walk for 20 minutes per day- if you already do this, step up and do a cardio session at the gym or a gym class 3 days a week and walk the other days, if thats something you already do, step it up to 5 days a week- remember, you will need to increase what you eat if you increase what you do (or your hair wont grow as fast as it can do).

Other things are to make sure you treat your hair well- so thats minimal straighteners, minimal heater appliances like hairdryers on your they will all impact on you needing to get your hair trimmed earlier then otherwise nesecarry or even worse- getting it trimmed shorter then otherwise- not good! it is better to have it healthier and trimmed less so it can grow more.
nothing will make your hair grow faster no matter what products people may advise you to use, all a waste of money. You have to keep you hair in good condition have it trimmed every 6-8 weeks. Using products will also not make your hair grow slower, it will still grow at the same rate!!!!! Looking after your hair will keep it healthy and then it wont split and break off as much which makes it look like your hair wont grow or grows very slow.
The only thing that will keep it growing fast is 3 Minute Miracle products.. but its more about how you treat your hair that has a serious affect on hair growth;

Straightening / Curling slows the process down.

Excessive/under brushing also slows the process.

Lack of iron in your diet also doesnt help.

I recently cut my hair from being past my boobs to my jaw line, and i love it. its like victoria beckhams :D..

While you wait, you could try a new style?

There are actually many short styles, make sure it suits your face shape though.
it`s called ';time and patience'; . you can`t buy it in stores :-D . but seriously you can take some multi vitamins and drink more water and massaqe your scalp or if all else fails , EXTENSIONS ARE THE WAY TO GO ! . lol .
No product, just good hair care. Avoid excessive heat (blow drying, etc), coloring/chemicals, trim split ends, use hair oil (coconut, for ie), and be gentle.
nothing can make your hair grow faster what you can do is not use many products like hair spray and all that stuff its bad for your hair wash your hair every two days n brush everyday
try using pantene beautiful lengths shampoo and conditioner

just try it out , it actually works !
No shampoo, just wear a hat when you sleep, it warms all the hair cells on your head to speed up the growth rate.
Your angry avater makes me feel excited.
thr is a product called dr. miracle
Extensions are the way to go my friend :D
try seakelp; i head it on stars in there eyes