Monday, February 6, 2012

Should i wait for my hair to grow out long or cut it shorter and just get extensions?

i have really choppy ';scene-ish'; (if that's what you'd like to call it) hair.

i really want it to be long but its taking forever to grow since i straighten it so often. its kinda long right now, but i want it to grow another 5 inches down to the middle of my back.

the only problem is since my hair is kinda long, the extensions looks so fake when i put them in. its like...2 diff lengths.

should i just wait it out for it to grow?

or would it just be better to cut it shorter and get extensions instead?

or is there a way that i could cut my hair to make it look less fake (provide pics if there is)?

pros and cons...Should i wait for my hair to grow out long or cut it shorter and just get extensions?
let it grow, but buy extensions too, so meanwhile you can still have long hair. thats what i do : ) xx
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