Monday, February 6, 2012

Should i wait for my hair to grow out long or cut it shorter and just get extensions?

i have really choppy ';scene-ish'; (if that's what you'd like to call it) hair.

i really want it to be long but its taking forever to grow since i straighten it so often. its kinda long right now, but i want it to grow another 5 inches down to the middle of my back.

should i just wait it out for it to grow?

or would it just be better to cut it shorter and get extensions instead?

pros and cons...Should i wait for my hair to grow out long or cut it shorter and just get extensions?
I have scence hair to.

just keep your hair the way it is, and use extensions. thats what i do. last summer my hair was literally shoulder length but now its just past my breasts. i wear extensions too, but im hoping my hair will be long enough by next summer. also, when you go to the hairdressers, just ask them to keep the length in your hair, and cut your layers.Should i wait for my hair to grow out long or cut it shorter and just get extensions?
keep it the same length but still get extensions, that way you can have the length now, and soon you will have the length you want without the extensions.
Extensions, because it will look more choppy, and you won't have to straiten it!! plus, you can put fun colors in if you want.
Extensions are really expensive if they are done right and they can fall out if they're not done well. On the other hand, five inches will take quite some time to grow.
get jessica simpson hairdo
get extensions. my hair is short scene hair and i have extensions. it works. hope i helped